Tuesday 13 September 2011

Not drowning but waving!

Much more optimistic about Art today, chatted to some more students over specially-reduced-for-freshers'-week coffee, all seem to be equally daunted. Looked more carefully at their work too, & decided mine's not the most primitive, spent the afternoon lurking under a hedge in the rain drawing the sort of things I'm much more comfortable with, trees, leaves, a wasp, some even looked OK I think.
This one's a pen&pencil sketch. Mixed media and odd techniques, like left hand, or eyes closed seems to be what's required to make one think in the right way. I tried using elderberries and lichen to add colour, worth pursuing a bit more. We have huge amounts of homework, aka self managed study, and have to produce projects on five different artists in different fields in the next 6 weeks before the first assessment.
We also all had a dyslexia screening, it would be interesting to find after all these years that there's an excuse for not knowing left from right!


  1. Do you not know left from right? Oh my goodness, me too! And it doesn't help to think about text, because it flips over in my head until right to left looks as normal as left to right. I have to make an L for left with my left thumb and first finger.

  2. Like Leonardo, mirror writing left-to-right & vice versa equally easily...
